Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a healing technique in alternative medicine which allows the healer to transfer energy from the universe through their palms to the source of the illness or disease on the patient's body to promote a faster healing process. Reiki is a safe, natural method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that can be used by anyone.This technique was developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. It not only promotes healing on the physical level but on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels as well. The patient will also feel relaxed, peaceful and secure during and after the process. Reiki is best used in collaberation with medical attention for individuals suffering with illnesses or diseases and under no circumstance should reiki be used in place of medical treatment. Reiki students progress through three stages to complete their training as healers.

The first stage is the Level I attunement which allows the healer upon completion of this level to be able to self heal. They can also do healing on close friends and family members but in a minor capacity.

The second stage is the Level II attunement. This level is said to be four times more powerful than Reiki Level I. With a level II attunement, the practitioner can heal others both directly and from a distance as well using specific Reiki symbols. Meaning the healer and the patient (receiver of the healing) do not have to be in the same room, house, town, city or even country for healing to occur.

The third stage is the Master Level. This level is said to be 10 times more powerful than the second level. Being a Master Healer the practitioner is capable of sending Reiki by thought alone.

Reiki is best taught one on one as opposed to a large class because of the energy work involved. The ability to channel the universal energy is transferred from teacher to student via attunements. This allows the student to be more receptive to the energy and also increases the flow of energy through the student and to the patient or receiver of the energy. Anyone can learn to channel this energy regardless of prior spiritual knowledge or spiritual development. Reiki has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds and will continue to be taught in years to come. Reiki is a rewarding experience to both practitioner and patient and if you are someone who is interested in healing then this maybe a path you should consider.

If you have any questions on this topic feel free to email me