Saturday, January 22, 2011

Totem Animals

Totem animals (Spirit animals or Power animals as some refer to them) can be any member of the animal kingdom that we share a deep spiritual connection with or feel a great affinity for. The reason for this is because prior to our incarnation in this life we chose a certain animal from heaven to accompany us in our present human life for protection, strength and love. These spirit beasts are very loyal, devoted and committed to our well being and tirelessly stand guard over us. Totems reveal themselves in a number of ways on earth. One of the ways this occurs is if you are inexplicably drawn to or fascinated by a particular animal. Another way is auditory....distant or completely incongruous sounds during the night. Even if you think you not an animal person or dislike animals you still have a totem. Each animal would be chosen based on the qualities or attributes they lend us when they are around. Here is an extensive list of totem animals that I have come across from various sources over time and the attributes they have and may lend to their humans.

Alligator: Survival Instincts, Aggression, Revenge, Maternal power
Ant: Team player, Determined, Hard working, Patient
Anteater: Lethargic, Noisy, Curiousity
Antelope: Sacrifice, Agility, Action
Armadillo: Grounded, Boundaries, Safety
Badger: Courage, Aggression, Healer
Bat: Longevity, Secrecy, Good listener
Bear: Dreams, Instinct, Courage, Willpower
Beaver: Determination, Builder, Protector
Bee: Obsessive nature, Wisdom, Fertility
Buffalo: Prayer, Strength, Gratitude, Abundance
Bull: Fertility, Insight into the past.
Butterfly: Balance, Transformation, Ability to accept change
Caribou: Traveller, Ability to accept adversity, Nomadic
Cat: Independant, Hunter, Meditation
Cheetah: Insight, Focus, Swiftness
Cougar: Leadership, Foresight, Loyalty
Cow: Sharing, Movable wealth, Value, Providing for daily needs
Coyote: Ability to laugh at yourself, Light-heartedness, Stealth, Mischief
Crane: Solitude, Justice, Intelligence
Crow: Releasing past beliefs, Resourcefulness, Balance
Deer: Compassion, Unconditional love, Peace
Dog: Nobility, Loyalty, Friendship
Dolphin: Harmony, Intelligence, Dream Interpretation, Happiness, Wisdom
Dove: Spirit messenger, Peace, Love, Gentleness
Dragon: Riches, Prosperity, Ancient wisdom, Infinity
Dragonfly: Breaks through self created illusions, Carefree, Higher aspirations
Duck: Water energy, Capable of dealing with emotions
Eagle: Connection to the soul. Potency, Freedom
Elephant: Royalty, Discernment, Peaceful nature
Elk: Power, Pride, Agility
Falcon: Healing the soul, New beginnings, Adventure
Fish: Open mindedness, Gracfeul nature, Slyness
Fox: Cunning, Wit, Camouflage
Frog: Adaptability, Emotional healing, Jumping from the material to the spiritual
Gazelle: Aggressiveness, Matters of the soul
Giraffe: Seeing the future, Attaining the unreachable
Goat: Surefootedness, Diligence, Independence
Goose: Reliable, Always searching, Love of home
Gorilla: Family oriented, Environmental protector, Maintains peace through aggression
Grouse: Enlightenment, Intuition, Personal power
Hawk: Truth, Awareness, Primal life force, Perceptiveness
Hedgehog: Self preservation, Abrasive, Defensive, Solitary
Horse: Astral Travel, Beauty through strength, Freedom
Hummingbird: Ability to see beauty, Fierce warrior, Pleasure
Iguana: Patience, Understanding
Jaguar: Shape shifting, Psychic empowerment
Lion: Protector, Leadership, Family, Pride, Guardian
Lizard: Letting go of the ego, Dream recall, Hidden defenses
Llama: Providing comfort to others
Loon: Serene, Good orator, Judgemental
Lynx: Secret keeper, Controller power, Listener, Guide.
Manatee: Childlike, Gentle, Loving
Monkey: Success, Health, Ability to change the environment
Moose: Self esteem, Longevity, Headstrong
Moth: Transformation, Finding the light
Mouse: Organizer, Scrutinizer, Eye for detail.
Nightingale: Soft tempered, Easy demeanor, Graceful movements
Octopus: Getting past negative barriers, Multifaceted
Opossum: Sensibility, Strategy, Diversion
Otter: Power, Nurturing, Lightness, Playfulness
Owl: Clairvoyance, Wise nature, Vision, Insight
Ox: Chastity, Sacrifice
Panda: Adaptability, Determined pace
Panther: Caution, Introspection, Careful decisions
Parrot: Beauty, Communication, Thinking before speaking
Peacock: Self confidence, Dignity, Immortality,
Penguin: Family orientation, Astral travel, Patience, Nurturing
Polar Bear: Spirit communication, Overcoming adversity, Rebirth
Porcupine: Humility, Companionship, Trust
Praire dog: Preparedness, Constructive, Industrious
Puma: Silent power, Grace
Quail: Group work, Team player, Tolerance, Protective of children
Rabbit: Hidden skills, Burrower, Fertiltity
Raccoon: Cleanliness, Curiousity
Rat: Stealth, Scavenging, Fertility
Raven: Mystery, Messenger of the Gods, Self knowledge, Omens
Rooster: Early riser, Only wants the best, Vanity
Salamander: Camouflage, Hidden traits
Salmon: Persistence, Determined, Pride
Seagull: Creativity, Versatile, Easy going nature
Seahorse: Confidence, Grace, Courtship, Posturing
Seal: Lucid dreaming, Listening to the Inner voice, Contentment
Shark: Survivor, Hunter, Power, Senses.
Sheep: Warmth, Group comfort, Rebirth
Skunk: Presence, Reputation, Self respect
Snail: Tenderness, Perserverance
Snake: Sexual potency, Life force, Impulsiveness, Prophecy
Sow: Ancestral knowledge, Earth energies, Sacred things
Spider: Balance between the present and future, Fate, Creativity
Squirrel: Planning ahead, Preparedness, Swift, Anticipation of the future
Stag: Mystical signs, Masculine regeneration
Stork: Messenger of life and rebirth
Swan: Spiritual growth,  Grace, Dream Interpretation
Tiger: Valor, Silent solitary power, Sensuality
Toad: Changing luck, Longevity
Tortoise: Psychic protection, Healing, Energy, Ancient wisdom
Turkey: Attentiveness, Generosity, Patience
Turtle: Grounded, Shy, Nurturing, Healing
Unicorn: Weather patterns, Virtue, Beauty
Walrus: Solitude, Individuality, Creativity
Weasel: Ingenuity, Clairaudience, Cunning, Observant
Whale: Telepathy, Claiaudience. Highly psychic, Intuitive, Kind, Wise
Wolf: Pathfinder, Loyal, Free spirited, Mating for life, Teaching skills
Woodpecker: Devotion, Sensitivity, Protection
Yak: Understanding higher purposes, Ancient wisdom
Zebra: Individuality, Trusting your path, Certainty

Regardless of what totem animal you chose to accompany you in this lifetime, you can still ask for other spirit animals to help you in certain areas of your life depending on the attributes they can share with you or use to help you. Similar to angels, you cannot ask them to hurt or harm others or carry out your request if there are negative consequences intended. They will not allow you to do it. They are here for your protection and to guide and love you and you should also learn to form a connection with them and love them as you would any creation of God.