Friday, January 21, 2011


Chakras are basically energy centers within the human body. There are seven main chakras and many minor chakras but for now we will focus on the main ones. In order from the head to the base of the spine we have : The Crown Chakra, The Brow Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra, The Sacral Chakra and The Root Chakra. Each of the chakras relate to different organs or glands throughout the body.
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and relates to the pineal gland and controls the brain and the nervous system. It focuses on the Higher Self and Spirituality. Colors associated with this chakra are white and royal purple. Psychic power that can be developed using this chakra is Claircognizance. Crystals associated with the energies of this chakra include: Amythyst, Charoite, Clear quartz, Selenite and Sugilite.
The Brow Chakra is located in the middle of the forehead where the "third eye" would be. It relates to the pituitary gland and controls the forehead, temples and carotid system. It focuses on Intuition, Clarity and Discernment. Colors associated with this chakra are Dark blue and Indigo blue. Psychic power that can be developed using this chakra is Clairvoyance. Crystals associated with the energies of this chakra include: Amethyst, Blue calcite and Lapis lazuli.
The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the throat and relates to the thyroid gland and controls over the throat, neck and brachial systems. It focuses on Communication, Speaking the truth and Spontaneity. Colors associated with this chakra are Light blue. Psychic focus that can be developed using this chakra is Expression. Crystals associated with the energies of this chakra include: Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite and Turquoise.
The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest and relates to the thymus gland and controls the heart, circulatory system, cardiac system, the lungs and total chest area. It focuses on Compassion, Unconditional love and Empathy. Colors associated with this chakra are Pink and Green. Psychic powers that can be developed using this chakra are Clairsentience and Intuition. Crystals associated with the energies of this chakra include: Rose quartz, Aventurine, Kunzite and Emerald.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located midway between the navel and the bottom of the breastbone and relates to the pancreas and controls the skin, liver, eyes, muscular system, the stomach and the intestines. It focuses on Confidence, Power and Emotional stability. Color associated with this chakra is yellow. Psychic focus that can be developed using this chakra are Healing and Teaching power. Crystals associated with the energies of this chakra include: Golden topaz, Tiger's eye and Citrine.
The Sacral Chakra is located in the center of the abdomen and relates to the gonads and controls the reproductive system and the lumbar region. It focuses on Creativity, Sensitivity, Intimacy and Health. Color associated with this chakra is Orange. Psychic focus that can be developed using this chakra is Balance. Crystals associated with the energies of this chakra include: Amber, Citrine, Carnelian, Orange calcite and Topaz.
The Root Chakra is located midway between the sex organs and the anus, relates to the adrenal glands and controls the skeletal system, the bladder, the lymph system, the spinal cord and sciatic nerve. It focuses on Survival, Security and Grounding. Colors associated with this chakra are Red and Black. Psychic focus that can be developed using this chakra is Spatial Intuition. Crystals associated with the energies of this chakra include: Garnet, Ruby, Red jasper, Black tourmaline and Smoky quartz.

Chakras are highly sensitive and are prone to absorbing negative energy from the environment in which you are surrounded by. When our chakras absorb too much negative energy over time they become dark and unbalanced in size. Darkened Chakras stem from negative people, negative situations and having negative thoughts of yourself. If chakras are small in size this results from fears about issues relating to that chakra. However obsessions related to the issues of a chakra would cause it to swell disproportionately to the others. One way to cleanse your chakras is through visual meditation in which you see yourself in your mind's eye being bathe by pure white light allowing the light to wash over all your chakras. Imagine that as the light flows over each chakra they increase in brightness of their associated color. Visualize all the negative energy as sludge being washed away from your chakras with the white light into the earth beneath your feet and being neutralized by the earth. A repetition of this meditation every couple of days should help you clear all your negative energies over time and help your to be more centered, balanced and raise your energies attracting positive situations and people towards you.