Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Hi everyone. I am sorry that I have not been able to blog in such a long time. My apologies. I do hope this new year proves to be much more fulfilling for all of you than the last year. However I am currently working on having my own New Age/Metaphysical store and I would like the input of you, my followers. What new age products or services do you need that you do not have access to or that is not provided? If you could go to a single place to have all your new age requirements fulfilled what would that place have? Your views are very important to me and I would love to hear from you so feel free to email me at:
Thank you for making the time to read my blog. I will try harder to continue blogging on a regular basis.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Yes, I know what you all are thinking. Why write about such a depressing topic. Right? Its because its the one thing in life every living thing must do...die. Death has been a part of our lives from the moment we are born. It may not be your friends, family or people you know but deaths occur in our society without cease. It may come in the form of old age, disease, accidents or it may be the result of violent acts such as a robbery, kidnapping or murder. Whatever the reason we all must die, this is a fact. But coping with loss can be very difficult especially if you lost someone dear to you.

But I am here to say that the one thing that is set in this life is your death and that before you took this birth you chose the time, place and method of your death. Its all just part of the package you made with God. Its one of the experiences you wanted to have. It may not seem justifiable considering the horrifc ways some people lose their lives. e.g. 9-11 Incident in the twin towers. But think of it like this...If you told your parents that you wanted to ride a bike, that you want to know how it feels to ride from the beginning of the road to the end of it and experience all the wonderful things along the way, your parents would then tell you there is only one way on and off the bike. You will start off becoming accustomed to the feel of a new bike...all the parts and the functions of each part and then you start to manipulate this to your will. You may want to dive right in and experience the full essence of riding a bike or you may want to take it slow. This would result in the way your bike ride ends. If you take it slow you will go along at a slower pace and end with a gentle stop. But if you want to experience all the ups and downs of riding the bike you may end up falling off your bike and getting bruised. Both ways you are off the bike but the manner in which you get off is varied.

Similarly you may have wanted to experience the full bike ride and end up in a death that may seem like something you would never have chosen but it is all part of the bigger picture, the entire experience. And why do we feel the confidence to undertake such harsh conditions for our departure before our birth? Its because these flesh and blood bodies we waltz around in is not is not our true nature. We are immortal specks of the Creator having a human experience and it is back to the Creator that we will find our greatest joy when we depart this earth and this life. At the point of death we feel no pain or suffering but only the unbounded love of God as we are welcomed back into His arms once again.

Just a note: Suicides are never a part of God's contract with us. Taking our own lives is like choosing to flunk out of college because we can't cope with the workload. But in the end we will have to return to college to graduate or else our mission is not fulfilled. In the same way, if we take our lives before our decided death date we will not go to heaven (or hell....I personally do not believe in a hell) but we will be forced by the laws of the Universe to take another birth to fulfill our mission.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Power Thoughts

(Painting done by Margarita Georgiadis)

All new agers are familiar with the concept of Affirmations or Positive Power thoughts and many have successfully implemented them into their daily lives to promote their own spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellness. That is all well and good but what I personally find fearful is the lack of knowledge people have about Negative Power thoughts. Never heard of it right? Wrong. We all have used Negative Power thoughts on ourselves at some point in our lives and continue to do so unless we become consciously aware of ourselves doing it. E.g. Have you ever come across something that you find challenging and without a second thought think to yourself "I am not smart enough or strong enough or socially accepted enough to do this". This is a negative power thought. Why did I say a negative POWER thought instead of simply a negative thought? This is because these negative thoughts hold a large amount of your personal power, the same as Positive power thoughts are infused by your own power. You have no idea how often you use Negative Power thoughts on a regular basis. This is simply due to the fact that it is a subconcious act fed off of your low self esteem or self worth.

The next step is to catch yourself in the act of using Negative Power thoughts and then counter it with an Affirmation or Positive Power thought. It is a good idea to keep a small journal of your affirmations as you go along so that it is easier to keep track of and over time it will help diminish those Negative power thoughts that skirt around your conscious mind.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Trouble Box

Every soul who takes on a human form on this earth is destined to face challenges, worries, fears, doubts, insecurities, feelings of inadequacy and the like. As common as these problems are to human beings it does not mean we need to spend precious time listening to that little nagging voice at the back of our heads. No we cannot ignore our problems but we can leave out the worrying aspect that lies between the time the challenge presents itself and the time the solution is found. Now you may be wondering how exactly to go about this process. The answer is simple.

Obtain a nice small box (one that appeals to you which can be wooden or cardboard) possibly with a slit at the top so that you can insert paper through and one that has a latch or something that acts as a lock to ensure its contents do not spill out or that your privacy is not invaded. You will write all you fears or concerns on separate pieces of paper and before you drop them into the box you will mentally and emotionally release yourself from any worry pertaining to the situation and leave the rest in the hands of God. Now depending on your religious or spiritual beliefs, you may have different appraoches to do this: Bless the box, asking God to take the worry of every situation, challenge, fear etc (that you write and place in the box) away from your mind, body and spirit until He can provide the solution to you.

It may take some practice before you can truly make this trouble box work but once you get the hang of it and truly trust in God it works wonders on your day to day lives. You can also envision God's angels carrying your concerns directly to God the instant you place your paper in the box.

After the situation has been resolved thank God and his angels, take out the paper relating to the resolved problem and burn it. Release the ashes into nature (safely).

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

When people hear about the Zodiac they think about the traditional cycle of 12 months which incorporates star signs : Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. However there is another zodiac formed by the chinese culture which is a 12 year cycle. Each year is governed by a different animal. Each animal bears unique traits which are passed on to those born under its year. How these different animals were truly chosen to be part of twelve year cycle is not known but there is the popular chinese lore which seeks to explain it. It follows as shown below:

"A long time ago in China, a Jade Emperor decided that there should be a measuring of time. So on his birthday he decided that he would host a race with all the animals. The mission was to cross a fast flowing river and emerge on the banks at the other side. There were 12 spots and only the first 12 animals would earn themselves a place in the zodiac.

All the animals lined up on the river bank waiting for the race to start. The rat and cat were good friends but were worried because they were not good swimmers. Being clever, they asked the strong Ox to carry them across and he agreed. They climbed on his back and the Ox started across the large river. He soon took the lead and the cat and rat became excited. When they had almost reached the other side the rat became greedy and pushed the cat into the river, ran up the Ox's head and jumped onto the bank first of all the animals. The emperor gave him the first place in the zodiac and the second place to the Ox. The tiger came across the river third and earned the third place in the zodiac.

Next to come was the lucky rabbit. The emperor asked him how he got across so quickly and he explained that he never swam across but instead hopped on all the rocks and found a log adrift that carried him all the way to the river bank. He earned the fourth place in the zodiac. Next came the great dragon who swooped down beside the emperor. The emperor was surprised and asked how was it that he didn't place first. He replied that the people of a village were thirsty and so he stopped to make rain for them and on his way to the river bank he had seen a rabbit struggling on a log so he had blown a puff of wind so that the rabbit would reach the bank safely. The dragon earned the fifth place in the zodiac.

Then the emperor heard the sound of hooves and the horse came into view. He was almost at the finish when a snake wriggled off on of his hooves. Startled, he reared back and the snake slithered off towards the finish. The snake earned the sixth place and the poor horse got the seventh place.

Soon after a raft arrived with 3 animals...a sheep, a monkey and a rooster. They explained to the emperor that they worked together to cross the fast river. The rooster found the raft, the sheep cleared away the weeds and the monkey pushed the raft to shore. The sheep earned the eighth place, the monkey the ninth and the rooster the tenth.

Next came the dog. The emperor asked why he came so late when he was one of the best swimmers. The dog replied that the water was so clean that he had to take a bath. He earned the eleventh place in the zodiac. The emperor waited for the last animal to show but it seemed no one was coming. Just as he was about to leave the boar showed up. The emperor wondered hy he took so long to finish. The boar replied that he was hungry so he stopped to eat and then after that he was so full that he fell asleep. The emperor awarded him the last place in the zodiac."

 Years governed by the Rat:
 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996
 General Traits:
 Quick-witted, Smart, Appealing, Protective, Instinctive
 Compatable with: Dragons and Monkeys
 Incompatable with: Horses

   Years governed by the Ox:
   1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
   General Traits:
   Obstinate, Genuine, Quick-tempered, Truthful, Friendly
   Compatable with: Snakes and Roosters
   Incompatable with: Sheep

  Years governed by the Tiger:
  1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998
  General Traits:
  Courageous, Vain, Hopeful, Resilient, Self-Dependant
  Compatable with: Horses and Dogs
  Incompatable with: Monkeys

 Years governed by the Rabbit:
 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999
 General Traits:
 Wise, Considerate, Serene, Obsessive, Keen
 Compatable with: Sheep and Pigs
 Incompatable with: Roosters

Years governed by the Dragon: 
1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988
General Traits:
Innovative, Enterprising, Brave, Passionate, Conceited
Compatable with: Rats and Monkeys
Incompatable with: Dogs
  Years governed by the Snake:
  1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1966, 1977, 1989
  General Traits:
  Cunning, Proud, Vicious, Aware, Vain
  Compatable with: Oxen and Roosters
  Incompatable with: Pigs

  Years governed by the Horse:
  1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990
  General Traits:
  Outgoing, Arrogant, Sophisticated, Joyful, Resilient
  Compatable with: Tigers and Dogs
  Incompatable with: Rats

   Years governed by the Sheep:
   1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991
   General Traits:
   Smart, Dependant, Insecure, Artistic, Kind
   Compatable with: Rabbits and Pigs
   Incompatable with: Oxen

Years governed by the Monkey:
1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992
General Traits:
Imaginative, Witty, Curious, Clever, Responsible
Compatable with: Dragons and Rats
Incompatable with: Tigers

  Years governed by the Rooster:
  1921, 1935, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993
  General Traits:
  Romantic, Brave, Proud, Boastful, Motivated
  Compatable with: Oxen and Snakes
  Incompatable with: Rabbits

 Years governed by the Dog:
 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994
 General Traits:
 Compassionate, Anxious, Honest, Reliable, Responsible
 Compatable with: Tigers and Horses
 Incompatable with: Dragons

Years governed by the Boar:
1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995
General Traits:
Hardworking, Helpful, Materialistic, Obstinate, Giving
Compatable with: Sheep and Rabbits
Incompatable with: Snake
This year (2011) is the year of the Rabbit. It is a year to recuperate from the prior year's (2010 - Year of the Tiger) aggressiveness. It is not a year of much excitement or hype. During this year the greatest benefits are reaped by devoting time to family, home, security and diplomacy. The Rabbit helps quiet the nerves and calmly deal with any situations that may arise. The Rabbit encourages us to engage in beautification projects, making sound investments and promote savings as well as enhancing the love in our lives and learning about things that capture our interest. The year of the rabbit will affect each animal sign differently during this year. I suggest that if you are interested in knowing how this year will turn out for you, look up your respective chinese animal sign and delve deeper into the forecast predicted for your sign under the Year of the Rabbit.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Love Thyself

Now for all New Agers I am sure you have all heard about the Law of Attraction and The Secret. Its principle is one of the most enforced laws of the universe held of firm faith by the spiritual masses, myself included. Now having said that I would like to introduce you to something I have come across recently in my research which proves to be an important starter for all humans.

That is: The need for love. It is one of the primordial requirements for all humans to live fulfilling lives. When we are encompassed in love (both self love as well as love for family, friends and spouses or life partners) we share our energy with everyone we meet and send love out into the environment and into the universe. This in turn lifts the mood of others and helps them steer away from negativity.

Now some people may feel being spiritual and being loving is unrelated but how can you truly be spiritual and yet still have hate, anger, envy or any other negative emotions in your heart? The only way to start your journey of spiritual evolution is to love yourself first. Know that you are an intelligent, loving, compassionate individual and absolutely perfect in the eyes of God (in which ever form of God you share a resonance with). Being immersed in love makes your aura and energy lighter and you will attract positive people and situations towards you. You life will improve and you will be happier.

Now you may be asking what's the first step in loving yourself? There is no right or wrong answer but there are some suggestions that should help you get on the right track. You can use:
1. Affirmations. Start your day with a healthy dose of self confidence and love
2. Music. Listen to music with positive lyrics and that lifts your energy and make your heart soar
3. Meditation. Visualize yourself in positive situations or circumstances in the present or in the future
4. Crystals. Use rose quartz crystal/gemstone to harmonize your love energy and to ground you in positive energies.
5. Allocate a time of day, week or month dedicated to you alone in which you take time to do something that truly makes you happy.

The link below shows a presentation which can put some perspective in your life and help to appreciate the simple things in life. When we feel appreciation and love at such a basic level it is easier for us to stay centred and focused on what really matters in life. Enjoy...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Herbalism in the New Age

Long before the world revolved around western medicine and technology, the use of herbs was a widespread practice not only for cooking and medicinal purposes but for spiritual purposes as well. Now that we find modern medicine does not hold all the answers, many people are turning back to the old ways and rediscovering the power of using herbs for remedies to treat ailments as common as the flu to ones as dire as diabetes and cancer. New agers such as myself have integrated the use of herbs in our lives because of their varied uses and the power they hold in bring all aspects of our lives into balance. Here I wish to share with you some of the herbs I have come across which you can use to help heal and restore balance back into your lives.

Agrimony: Protection, Banishing negative energy, Sleep
Allspice: Prosperity, Courage, Energy, Strength
Almond: Money, Wisdom
Angelica Root: Protection, Meditation, Divination, Health
Asafoetida: Banishing, Removing negative energies

Basil: Diffuses quarrels, Promotes happiness, Protection
Bay leaves: Prophetic dreams, Wards off evil, Clairvoyance
Belladonna: Astral travel
Benzoin: Astral projection, Prosperity, Purification
Betony: Protects against nightmares and despair
Blessed Thistle: Protection, Cleansing, Removing hexes
Borage: Psychic abilities, Financial gain
Bramble (blackberry) leaf: Attracts wealth, Repels evil, Protection
Broom: Bless weddings, Weather magick
Burdock: Cleansing, Protection

Camellia: Brings riches and luxury
Caraway: Seeds attracts lovers and ensures faithfulness
Carnation: Healing, Strength, Feminine energy
Catnip: Healing animals, Happiness, Relaxation
Cayenne Pepper: Joint pain, Circulation, Blood pressure
Cedar: Home purification, Good fortune, Luck
Chamomile: Love, Meditation, Peace, Sleep
Cinnamon: Energy, Creativity, Passion
Cloves: Love, Money, Luck, Protects babies
Clover (red): Success, Youth, Fidelity, Love, Luck
Comfrey leaf: Protection when travelling, Astral realms

Damiana: Sex, Lust, Love, Aphrodisiac, Entice male lovers
Dandelion leaf: Psychic powers, Sleep, Healing, Divination
Dill: Protects home, Money, Love, Lust

Eucalyptus leaf: Great healing properties, Purify, Cleanse

Fennel seed: Strength, Courage, Lonegevity, Protection
Feverfew: Health, Spiritual healing, Boosts immune system
Fig (dried): Fertility, Love, Divination
Flax seed: Peace, Money, Lowers cholesterol

Galangal root: Psychic powers, Luck, Lust, Talisman
Garlic: Healing, Anti-viral, Anti-fungal, Protection
Ginger: Success, Power, Love, Money
Ginseng (powder): Anti-depressant, Sexual potency, Love

Hibiscus flower: Aphrodisiac, Aids digestion, Love, Dreams
Holly leaf: Love, Dream, Protection, Wishes
Hops: Healing, Restful sleep, Balance energy
Horehound: Respiratiry problems, Concentration, Focus
Hyssop: Purification, Physical and Spiritual protection

Juniper berries: Digestion, Arthritis, Good health, Love

Mandrake root: Love, Courage, Fertility, Money, Sleep
Morning glory blossoms: Happiness, Peace, Nightmares
Moss: Good luck, Money
Mugwort: Scrying, Divination, Prophetic dreams
Mullein: Nightmares, Protection, Courage, Diarrhea

Nettles: Repels evil, Allergies, Skin, Bleeding, Purification
Nutmeg: Luck, Money, Health, Clairvoyance

Orris root: Love, Protection, Divination

Passion flower: Emotional balance, Friendship, Nerve pain, Sleep
Pennyroyal: Money, Meditation, Astral travel, Negative self image
Peppermint: Sleep, Upset stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Flu
Pine: Helps with guilt, Healing, Fertility, Wisdom

Raspberry leaf: Pregnancy, Childbirth, Vomitting, Calms nerves, Sleep
Rose hips: Menstrual period, Attracts love
Rose petals: Headaches, Dizziness, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Dreams
Rosemary: Depression, Digestive, Circulatory, Love, Lust, Cleansing

Sage: Muscle/joint pain, Fever, Immortality, Wisdom, Cleanses
Shavegrass: Bone/hair/nails, Calms nerves, Helps with clotting
Scotch broom leaf: Purification, Protection, Repels evil and negativity
Seaweed: Attracts positive energy, Money, Psychic powers
Spanish moss: Luck, Money, Repels evil and negativity
St. John's Wort: Banish negative thoughts and energies, Depression
Star Anise: Repels nightmares, Youth, Protection, Meditation

Thistle flower: Spiritual and financial blessings, Joy, Energy, Vitality
Thyme: Health, Healing, Purification, Psychic powers

Valerian root: Muscle relaxant, Dreams, Sleep,
Vanilla: Mental powers, Seduction, Love, Aphrodisiac

White Willow Bark: Healing, Divination, Protection, Arthritis, Muscle pain

Yarrow flower: Sorrow/depression, Repels negativity, Purifies the blood

N.B. : My purpose for listing these herbs are to help spiritually not medically even though I have listed herbs that may help with certain ailments. I highly recommend my readers to consult a medical expert or trained, qualified herbalist before using herbs to treat any disease, ailment or condition or before introducing herbs into your body or bringing it into contact with skin (e.g. skin paste, oils, ointments etc). Please use caution and seek an experienced herbalist if you are inexperienced or unfamiliar with herbal remedies.