Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The mind is the most powerful instrument we have on this earth. It enabled us to evolve as humans and as spiritual beings and enriches every area of our lives. Our minds and bodies are powered by the light and energy of our soul. We are spiritual beings here on earth having a human experience but when our spirit minds take form in this world we become denser and slower. On earth, our minds no longer think at the speed of light or manifest our desires in a heartbeat. If we could do that as humans then there would be no need to ever want for anything and if we can have anything and everything then how do we know what we truly want or what makes our hearts beat with passion and desire, how would we know what fuels and motivates us, how would we know what we can live with and without, how would we know what we would be willing to sacrifice for someone we love? But while having a human experience can be fun and exciting and adventurous it can also be riddled with the negative aspect of the world such as sadness, grief, loss, violence, illness, disease and death. The purpose of these challenges is to find our way back to our Creator. One way to do this is by meditation.

Meditation means awareness. It is the process by which spiritual awareness is attained over time. It is used to slow to mind's thought process and through this cessation; guidance and knowledge from the Creator can flow in more freely. The practitioner trains the mind through the meditative process which transforms the mind to tune into higher states of consciousness or awareness. It is through this awareness that life's answers come more readily and a more comprehensive view of the world is grasped. It is said that meditating is being able to look at the world with new eyes. Through meditation we are able to connect with the Creator and it is through this bond that we merge with Him and achieve enlightenment. Now meditation is not a onetime event. It is not like a course or class you take and upon completion you have enlightenment 24hours a day 7days a week for the rest of your lives. It does not work like that. Meditation helps us get away from this world to be with our Creator to renew our soul, to refresh our minds, to gain answers to the questions we seek. It is like going to the spa or getting a massage after a stressful day and then returning to your daily routine revitalized and ready to take any challenge head-on. Meditation can be used by invoking the visual, auditory or olfactory senses (i.e. sight, sound and smell). There are many different methods to do meditation and it is up to the practitioner to decide for himself or herself which is best suited for their individual needs.

Types of Meditations:

1. Simple Breathing: This technique narrows your entire focus on your breathing. Breathing in and breathing out while clearing every other thought from your mind. If your mind drifts, as soon as you become aware of this you have to reel it back in and focus on your breathing once again until you achieve a state of peace where your mind is free from thought.

2. Free Mind:  This involves assuming the complete lotus position (cross-legged) and allowing the mind to empty itself and become thought free. This technique seems to be more appropriate for those already experienced in training the mind and have some control over their thought flow.

3. Concentration: This technique uses an object which acts as a visual focus point to harness the thought flow. When the mind strays the practitioner gently beings back the focus to the object and attempts to push out any thoughts except that of the focus object.

4. Visualizing: This requires the practitioner to uses visualization techniques to produce the desired results. This type is best for those individuals who are naturally creative or perceptive.

5. Mindfulness: This is a technique that can be practiced throughout the day and doesn’t require an allotted time because it involves moment to moment awareness of the now, of the present and all mental, emotional and physical experiences of the practitioner.

6. Thought: This technique is currently popular among the new agers and doesn’t require eradication of thought. Quite the opposite. It is best known as the Law of Attraction or the Secret. It trains the mind to use the power of intention, the law of attraction, desire manifestation, self hypnosis and positive thinking to stimulate the mind into attracting the desired outcome.

7. Mantras or Affirmations: This technique uses the repetition of a mantra mentally or aloud to create the certain conditions required for purification, awareness and expansion to occur.  Mantras allow individuals to tune into their own energy fields and connect with the universal energy to evoke the desired outcome.  

These techniques can be used in association with meditative music, aromas, incense, visual stimulation etc to soothe the mind and help elevate the meditative process. Meditation is beneficial to all who practice it regularly and can help us all on our journey within this lifetime on earth.