Saturday, February 19, 2011

Psychic Powers

Who has not dreamed of possessing psychic powers? Even as a little child watching your favorite superhero you had some inner desire to be just like that. Its perfectly normal. But in a world where we are repressed and told at a very young age that certain things don't exist and forced to be normalized we lose touch with our inherent gifts and aren't given an opportunity to hone them. Most people go their entire lives without getting in touch with their God-given talents. And while there are some people who naturally develop these gifts, the fact is that we all have the potential to tap into these abilities. The different abilities are linked to your energy levels, your aura and your chakras. Depending on if your chakras are balanced and in sync with each other, you may or may not be able to tap into them. Its is like trying to drive a car with the engine first have to ensure the engine is clean before optimum functioning. Similarly you have to make sure all your energy centers are glistening clean before you can attempt to tap into your inner potential. There are many techniques you can use to clean your chakras (refer to my post on chakras). This should be done on a regular basis so that your body becomes accustomed to fully functioning chakras before undertaking any training to tap into your psychic powers. Here is a list of some psychic abilities that I have come across:

Astral Projection: The ability to consciously move or "project" your spirit to any place, person or thing on earth and experience this with a the same (if not greater) capacity as you would if you were there physically (both body and spirit).

Clairaudience: The ability to hear interdimensional frequencies. Simply put, those who possess clairaudience can receive guidance from angels, fae, spirit guides, guardian angels and beings from the Other Side through audio-perception.

Clairsentience: The ability to receive projected emotions from beings on earth and beings from the Other Side. It can be described as extreme empathy.

Clairvoyance: The ability to see beings, objects or information from earth or the Other Side. Clairvoyants can glimpse into the future, present or past of individuals.

Levitation: The ability to elevate or suspend your own body midair for a discernable length of time without aid of any kind. Those who have control over this ability are also able to move while suspended in the air.

Prophecy: The ability to have visions events that are of the future or of the past. Visions are not always clear and interpretation is unique to the person with this ability.

Psychokinesis: The ability to move or manipulate objects without applying any physical (or other scientifically explainable) force. Also known as telekinesis.

Telepathy: The ability to transfer information, knowledge or feelings from one person to another without using the senses.

Now you might think that you can just go after whatever power you want to have but this may not always be possible. It depends on the frequency your energy is vibrating at and the ability to maintain that energy level to enhance a psychic power. You can have a higher vibrational energy by:

1. Becoming vegan (or vegetarian) and using herbal products and medicines as an alternative.
2. By engaging in meditation and breathing exercises
3. Using crystals to amplify your energy or help with you chakras
4. Spending time around nature (some place serene) 
5. Using affirmations to make your outlook on life more positive and joyful.
6. Asking your angels to help you clear out any energy debris in your aura or chakras regularly
7. Listening to positive, uplifting music
8. Surrounding yourself with postive, optimistic individuals
9. Being kinder, more loving and compassionate towards others
10. Abstinence from additives, preservatives, meat, fish, alcohol, smoking, pills.