Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Scroll of Destiny

Many people have visited the Other Side during dream state or through astral projection or guided meditations and have come across the vast archives of the Hall of Records or Akashic Records. What a lot of them do not know is that this grand library also houses something of great importance directly relating to each soul from the Other Side taking human form. It holds a detailed scroll containing our soul's path, purpose and life mission. 

This scroll shows our destiny for each life on earth including those lives we have already lived i.e. our past lives, written by our own hand. Simply put...we choose what we want to experience for each human incarnation we take and we write in every detail on our personal scroll. Some say that it also holds information to the future because on the Other Side time is not linear but moved in a circle or cycle. After we have completed writing our destiny (experiences we choose to undertake while on earth) we place our scroll in the Hall of Records for safekeeping. It is said that our scroll is only accesssible to our angels and our guides while we are on earth so that they can help us in times of need withour disrupting the destinies we chose to experience first hand.

Among the things we write in our scroll are details relating to our birth, our parents, friends, siblings, physical appearance, diseases, illnesses, weaknesses, passions, love life, sexuality, gender, enemies as well as when and how we die. The scroll is incredibly complex and contains much much more information on our lives. After we die and return to the Other Side we go to the Hall of Records to check out how much we progressed during our time on earth and depending on how satisfied we are we chose to return to earth for another round of challenges to progress even furthur. But we do this because we want to not because we have to and we do it to be more spiritually evolved for our Creator.