Sunday, October 9, 2011


Yes, I know what you all are thinking. Why write about such a depressing topic. Right? Its because its the one thing in life every living thing must do...die. Death has been a part of our lives from the moment we are born. It may not be your friends, family or people you know but deaths occur in our society without cease. It may come in the form of old age, disease, accidents or it may be the result of violent acts such as a robbery, kidnapping or murder. Whatever the reason we all must die, this is a fact. But coping with loss can be very difficult especially if you lost someone dear to you.

But I am here to say that the one thing that is set in this life is your death and that before you took this birth you chose the time, place and method of your death. Its all just part of the package you made with God. Its one of the experiences you wanted to have. It may not seem justifiable considering the horrifc ways some people lose their lives. e.g. 9-11 Incident in the twin towers. But think of it like this...If you told your parents that you wanted to ride a bike, that you want to know how it feels to ride from the beginning of the road to the end of it and experience all the wonderful things along the way, your parents would then tell you there is only one way on and off the bike. You will start off becoming accustomed to the feel of a new bike...all the parts and the functions of each part and then you start to manipulate this to your will. You may want to dive right in and experience the full essence of riding a bike or you may want to take it slow. This would result in the way your bike ride ends. If you take it slow you will go along at a slower pace and end with a gentle stop. But if you want to experience all the ups and downs of riding the bike you may end up falling off your bike and getting bruised. Both ways you are off the bike but the manner in which you get off is varied.

Similarly you may have wanted to experience the full bike ride and end up in a death that may seem like something you would never have chosen but it is all part of the bigger picture, the entire experience. And why do we feel the confidence to undertake such harsh conditions for our departure before our birth? Its because these flesh and blood bodies we waltz around in is not is not our true nature. We are immortal specks of the Creator having a human experience and it is back to the Creator that we will find our greatest joy when we depart this earth and this life. At the point of death we feel no pain or suffering but only the unbounded love of God as we are welcomed back into His arms once again.

Just a note: Suicides are never a part of God's contract with us. Taking our own lives is like choosing to flunk out of college because we can't cope with the workload. But in the end we will have to return to college to graduate or else our mission is not fulfilled. In the same way, if we take our lives before our decided death date we will not go to heaven (or hell....I personally do not believe in a hell) but we will be forced by the laws of the Universe to take another birth to fulfill our mission.