Long before the world revolved around western medicine and technology, the use of herbs was a widespread practice not only for cooking and medicinal purposes but for spiritual purposes as well. Now that we find modern medicine does not hold all the answers, many people are turning back to the old ways and rediscovering the power of using herbs for remedies to treat ailments as common as the flu to ones as dire as diabetes and cancer. New agers such as myself have integrated the use of herbs in our lives because of their varied uses and the power they hold in bring all aspects of our lives into balance. Here I wish to share with you some of the herbs I have come across which you can use to help heal and restore balance back into your lives.
Allspice: Prosperity, Courage, Energy, Strength
Almond: Money, Wisdom
Angelica Root: Protection, Meditation, Divination, Health
Asafoetida: Banishing, Removing negative energies
Basil: Diffuses quarrels, Promotes happiness, Protection
Bay leaves: Prophetic dreams, Wards off evil, Clairvoyance
Belladonna: Astral travel
Benzoin: Astral projection, Prosperity, Purification
Betony: Protects against nightmares and despair
Blessed Thistle: Protection, Cleansing, Removing hexes
Borage: Psychic abilities, Financial gain
Bramble (blackberry) leaf: Attracts wealth, Repels evil, Protection
Broom: Bless weddings, Weather magick
Burdock: Cleansing, Protection
Camellia: Brings riches and luxury
Caraway: Seeds attracts lovers and ensures faithfulness
Carnation: Healing, Strength, Feminine energy
Catnip: Healing animals, Happiness, Relaxation
Cayenne Pepper: Joint pain, Circulation, Blood pressure
Cedar: Home purification, Good fortune, Luck
Chamomile: Love, Meditation, Peace, Sleep
Cinnamon: Energy, Creativity, Passion
Cloves: Love, Money, Luck, Protects babies
Clover (red): Success, Youth, Fidelity, Love, Luck
Comfrey leaf: Protection when travelling, Astral realms
Damiana: Sex, Lust, Love, Aphrodisiac, Entice male lovers
Dandelion leaf: Psychic powers, Sleep, Healing, Divination
Dill: Protects home, Money, Love, Lust
Eucalyptus leaf: Great healing properties, Purify, Cleanse
Fennel seed: Strength, Courage, Lonegevity, Protection
Feverfew: Health, Spiritual healing, Boosts immune system
Fig (dried): Fertility, Love, Divination
Flax seed: Peace, Money, Lowers cholesterol
Galangal root: Psychic powers, Luck, Lust, Talisman
Garlic: Healing, Anti-viral, Anti-fungal, Protection
Ginger: Success, Power, Love, Money
Ginseng (powder): Anti-depressant, Sexual potency, Love
Hibiscus flower: Aphrodisiac, Aids digestion, Love, Dreams
Holly leaf: Love, Dream, Protection, Wishes
Hops: Healing, Restful sleep, Balance energy
Horehound: Respiratiry problems, Concentration, Focus
Hyssop: Purification, Physical and Spiritual protection
Juniper berries: Digestion, Arthritis, Good health, Love
Mandrake root: Love, Courage, Fertility, Money, Sleep
Morning glory blossoms: Happiness, Peace, Nightmares
Moss: Good luck, Money
Mugwort: Scrying, Divination, Prophetic dreams
Mullein: Nightmares, Protection, Courage, Diarrhea
Nettles: Repels evil, Allergies, Skin, Bleeding, Purification
Nutmeg: Luck, Money, Health, Clairvoyance
Orris root: Love, Protection, Divination
Passion flower: Emotional balance, Friendship, Nerve pain, Sleep
Pennyroyal: Money, Meditation, Astral travel, Negative self image
Peppermint: Sleep, Upset stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Flu
Pine: Helps with guilt, Healing, Fertility, Wisdom
Raspberry leaf: Pregnancy, Childbirth, Vomitting, Calms nerves, Sleep
Rose hips: Menstrual period, Attracts love
Rose petals: Headaches, Dizziness, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Dreams
Rosemary: Depression, Digestive, Circulatory, Love, Lust, Cleansing
Sage: Muscle/joint pain, Fever, Immortality, Wisdom, Cleanses
Shavegrass: Bone/hair/nails, Calms nerves, Helps with clotting
Scotch broom leaf: Purification, Protection, Repels evil and negativity
Seaweed: Attracts positive energy, Money, Psychic powers
Spanish moss: Luck, Money, Repels evil and negativity
St. John's Wort: Banish negative thoughts and energies, Depression
Star Anise: Repels nightmares, Youth, Protection, Meditation
Thistle flower: Spiritual and financial blessings, Joy, Energy, Vitality
Thyme: Health, Healing, Purification, Psychic powers
Valerian root: Muscle relaxant, Dreams, Sleep,
Vanilla: Mental powers, Seduction, Love, Aphrodisiac
White Willow Bark: Healing, Divination, Protection, Arthritis, Muscle pain
Yarrow flower: Sorrow/depression, Repels negativity, Purifies the blood
N.B. : My purpose for listing these herbs are to help spiritually not medically even though I have listed herbs that may help with certain ailments. I highly recommend my readers to consult a medical expert or trained, qualified herbalist before using herbs to treat any disease, ailment or condition or before introducing herbs into your body or bringing it into contact with skin (e.g. skin paste, oils, ointments etc). Please use caution and seek an experienced herbalist if you are inexperienced or unfamiliar with herbal remedies.