Saturday, March 12, 2011


December 21st 2012 has been the date that has been the cause of much concern in recent years mainly due to the fact that it is the end date of the Mayan Calender. Doomsday prophecies from other prophets in the past have also made mention of this "apocalyptic" 2012. There is supposed to be an onslaught of natural disasters in wake of the approaching 2012 and at 11:11 GMT of the winter solstice (21st december) a global scaled apocalyse or "end-of-the-world" phenomenon is to occur. The many devastating large-scaled eathquakes and tsunamis that have terrorized the world have reinforced these prophecies about a nearing doomsday. I believe that these natural disasters have more to do with the earth shifting on its axis and causing redistribution and alterations of the earth's topography, ocean currents and weather systems and while they are scary to experience and often result in the loss of many lives it is not the end of the world. The earth has been predicted to be destroyed numerous times by numerous people from all over the world and yet we are still standing, going about our daily lives just as we do everyday and beyond 2012 people will still continue to make prophecies about the "end of days" and the apocalypse. To illustrate my point here are some prophecies and predictions of the end of the world that have been made (The order of the following prophecies and predictions go as follows: Date when end of the world will occur > The person making the prophecy or prediction > The details of the prohecy or prediction) :

1. A.D. 90 - St. Clement I : End of world
2. A.D. 365 - Bishop Hilary of Poitiers : End of world
3. A.D. 375 - St. Martin of Tours : End of world
4. A.D. 500 - Hippolytus of Rome : End of world
5. A.D. 800 - Sextus Julius Africanus : End of world
6. 1147  - Gerard of Poehlde : End of world   
7. 1186 - John of Toeledo : Specific alignment of planets would cause world destruction
8. 1260 - Brother Arnold (monk) : Impending end of the world
9. 1284 - Pope Innocent III : End of the world
10. 1366 - Jean de Roquetaillade : Arrival of Antichrist
11. 1367 - Militz of Kromeriz : Antichrist revealed, End of world
12. 1500 - Church leaders: Apocalyse
13. 1524 - Astrologers : End of world via Global Flood
14. 1528 - Hans Hut (reformist) : Return of Jesus
15. 1533 - Melchior Hoffman : 2nd Coming of Christ
16. 1603 - Tomasso Campanella : Collison of Sun and Earth
17. 1658 - Christopher Columbus : End of world
18. 1669 - Old Believers (church) : Antichrist (20,000 people burned themselves for fear of facing the Antichrist)
19. 1689 - Benjamin Keach (baptist) : End of world
20. 1697- Cotton Mather (minister) : End of world
21. 1757 - Emanuel Swedenburg (mystic) : End of world
22. 1805 - Christopher Love : Massive earthquake would destroy the world
23. 1814 - Joanna Southcott (prophet) : End of world
24. 1836 - John Wesley : Rise of the Beast of Revelation
25. 1900 - William Thompson (physicist) : Depletion of oxygen within 300 years. End of world via suffocation
26. 1900 - Brothers & Sisters of the Red Death : End of world (100 people killed themselves)
27. 1919 - Albert Porta (meteorologist) : 6 planets would create a magnetic pull so strong that the Sun would explode destroying the earth in the process.
28. 1940 - Leonard Sale-Harrison (bible teacher) : End of the world
29. 1962 - Jeane Dixon (astrologer) : End of world via force of planetary alignment
30. 1973 - Moses David - Earth would be hit by a comet
31. 1994 - Reginald Dunlop (author) : Sep 23 1994 was the last encoded date in Great Pyramid of Giza
32. 2007 - Michael Travesser (spiritual leader) : Apocalypse at midnight on Oct 31 2007
33. 2012 - Mayan Civilization : End date on Mayan Calendar

The Mayans were skilled astrologers and although their calender ends at 2012 their prediction span well into the future (up to 4772 A.D.). So why would the Mayans bother making predictions well into the future if all life was to be extinct in 2012? Because like other predictions and prophecies in the past about the "end of days" it simply will not happen and life will continue to go on. Do I think that there is no truth to the 2012 phenomenon...of course not. I believe the Mayans have given us indication that the world "as we know it" is ending but this is reference to the spiritual aspect of the world rather than the physical. It indicates that humankind is entering a new phase of spiritual awareness that is on a global scale. This is also indicated by the time at which the world is expected to shift into a higher awareness - 11:11 universal time. Many people across the world have been subject to the synchonicity of 11:11; glancing at their clocks or watches at exactly the time the clock changes to 11:11. Doreen Virtue PH.D.  (Clairvoyant) says that seeing the repitition of the sequence of number ones signifies the opening of gateways of opportunities and that the speed at which thoughts manifest will increase. Imagine the increased ability to manifest at record speed on a global scale. This is what we have to look forward to in 2012...not the end of the world. People just love to have excitement in their lives maybe because it is something to look forward to or maybe because there is unity and togetherness in the face of disaster and calamity. You may wonder why all the natural disasters if we are supposed to be transitioning into an age of spiritual awareness. My answer: Why is it always darkest before the dawn?